Message from the President

The Society is one of the earliest medical associations formed in Hong Kong. Today it has a membership of about 300 specialist doctors in various subspecialties of medicine and about 300 associate members. It has been active in the promotion of postgraduate medical education. Most of the scientific meetings are open to registered medical doctors free of charge or at a nominal fee. You are welcome to participate in these programs. Our Journal is sent to over 7000 doctors.

I hope the Society will continue to be an important platform for scientific and professional exchange in the medical scene in Hong Kong in the years to come.

Dr. Lam Tat Chung, Paul (林達聰醫生)
FRCP, FRCPsych, FHKAM(Medicine), FHKAM(Psychiatry)
Rm.1907, 70 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel.: 2526 2626 Fax: 2868 1530


Executive Committee

President : Dr. Lam Tat Chung, Paul (林達聰醫生)
MBBS, FRCP, FRCPsych, FHKAM(Medicine), FHKAM(Psychiatry)  
Vice President : Professor Tsang Wah Tak, Kenneth (曾華德教授)
Hon. Secretary : Dr. Ma Tin Wei Ada (馬天慧醫生)
Hon. Treasurer : Dr. Ting Zhao Wei Rose (丁昭慧醫生)
Committe Member : Professor Wong Chun Yu Benjamin (王振宇教授)
MBBS, FRCP, DSc, MD, PhD, FHKAM(Medicine)

Executive Committee from April 1, 2024
From right:
Dr Lam Tat Chung, Paul (林達聰醫生), FRCP, FRCPsych, President
Professor Tsang Wah Tak, Kenneth (曾華德教授), FRCP, MD, Vice President
Professor Wong Chun Yu, Benjamin (王振宇教授), FRCP, MD. PhD. DSc, Committee Member